


builtin package represents the predefined, Terraform domain-specific, functions and types in the scope of any thread of AsCode. This means that is not required to use the load statement, and any of the function can be called without any prefix.


def backend

backend(type) Backend

Instantiates a new Backend

typestringBackend type.

def evaluate

evaluate(filename, predeclared=None) dict

Evaluates a Starlark file and returns its global context. Kwargs may be used to set predeclared.

filenamestringName of the file to execute.
predeclareddictDefines the predeclared context for the execution. Execution doesnot modify this dictionary
# evaluable.star file
print("Print from evaluable.star: '%s'" % foo)
# Evaluate execute the given file, with the given context, in this case `foo`
values = evaluate("evaluable.star", foo="foo")

# The context it's a module, in this case contains the key `bar`
print("Print from main: '%s'" % values.bar)

# Output:
# Print from evaluable.star: 'foo'
# Print from main: 'bar'

def fn

fn(name, target) Attribute

Fn wraps an Attribute in a HCL function. Since the Attributes value are only available in the apply phase of Terraform, the only method to manipulate this values is using the Terraform HCL functions.

namestringName of the HCL function to be applied. Eg.: base64encode
targetAttributeTarget Attribute of the HCL function.

def hcl

hcl(resource) string

Returns the HCL encoding of the given resource.

resource<resource>resource to be encoded.

def provisioner

provisioner(type) Provisioner

Instantiates a new Provisioner

typestringProvisioner type.

def ref

ref(resource, argument) string

Returns a reference to a resource argument.

resource<resource>resource to be referenced.
fieldstringfield to be referenced.
# Non-computed arguments are passed by value to one argument to another 
# in some cases may be required to make a referece to and relay in the HCL
# interpolation. 

aws = tf.provider("aws")

instance = aws.resource.instance("foo")
instance.ami = "foo"

print(ref(instance, "ami"))
# Output:
# ${aws_instance.foo.ami}

def validate

validate(resource) list

Returns a list with validating errors if any. A validating error is a struct with two fields: msg and pos

resource<resource>resource to be validated.


type Attribute

Attribute is a reference to an argument of a Resource. Used mainly for Computed arguments of Resources.

Attribute behaves as the type of the argument represented, this means that them can be assigned to other resource arguments of the same type. And, if the type is a list are indexable.

__resource__ResourceResource of the attribute.
__type__stringType of the attribute. Eg.: string
# When a Resource has an Attribute means that the value it's only available
# during the `apply` phase of Terraform. So in, AsCode an attribute behaves
# like a poor-man pointer.

aws = tf.provider("aws")

ami = aws.resource.ami("ubuntu")

instance = aws.resource.instance("foo")
instance.ami = ami.id

# Output:
# ${aws_ami.ubuntu.id}

type Backend

The part of Terraform’s core that determines how Terraform stores state and performs operations (like plan, apply, import, etc.). Terraform has multiple backends to choose from, which can be configured in a variety of ways.

__kind__stringKind of the backend. Fixed value backend.
__type__stringType of the backend. Eg.: local.
__dict__DictA dictionary containing all the config values of the backend.
<argument><scalar>Arguments defined by the backend schema, thus can be of anyscalar type.

def Backend.state

Backend.state(module="", workspace="default") State

Loads the latest state for a given module or workspace.

modulestringname of the module, empty equals to root.
workspacestringbackend workspace

type Provider

A plugin for Terraform that makes a collection of related resources available. A provider plugin is responsible for understanding API interactions with some kind of service and exposing resources based on that API.

__version__stringProvider version
__kind__stringKind of the provider. Fixed value provider
__type__stringType of the resource. Eg.: aws_instance
__name__stringLocal name of the provider, if none was provided to the constructor,the name is auto-generated following the pattern id_%s. AtTerraform is called alias
__dict__DictA dictionary containing all set arguments and blocks of the provider.
dataMapSchemaData sources defined by the provider.
resourceMapSchemaResources defined by the provider.
<argument><scalar>Arguments defined by the provider schema, thus can be of anyscalar type.
<block>ResourceBlocks defined by the provider schema, thus are nested resources,containing other arguments and/or blocks.
def print_provider_info(p):
    print("Provider %s[%s] (%s)" % (p.__type__, p.__name__, p.__version__))
    print("  Defines Data Sources: %d" % len(dir(p.data)))
    print("  Defines Resources: %d" % len(dir(p.resource)))
    print("  Configuration: %s" % p.__dict__)

provider = tf.provider("google", "3.13.0")
provider.project = "acme-app"
provider.region = "us-central1"

# Output:
# Provider google[id_1] (3.13.0)
#   Defines Data Sources: 60
#   Defines Resources: 263
#   Configuration: {"project": "acme-app", "region": "us-central1"}

Resource instantiation from a Provider.

helm = tf.provider("helm", "1.0.0")

podinfo = helm.resource.release("podinfo")
podinfo.chart = "podinfo"
podinfo.version = "3.1.8"

# Output:
# resource "helm_release" "podinfo" {
#   provider = helm.id_1
#   chart    = "podinfo"
#   version  = "3.1.8"
# }


def Provider.set_prefix

Provider.set_prefix(enable, prefix="")

If enabled, all the resource names belonging to this provider are prefixed, with the given prefix or by default the alias name.

enableboolif True enables the the prefix of resources.
prefixstringstring to be used as prefix of the resources, if None, theprovider name it’s used as prefix.

type ProviderCollection

ProviderCollection holds the providers in a nested dictionary, indexed by provider type and provider name. The values can be accessed by indexing or using the built-in method of dict.

tf.provider("aws", "2.13.0", "qux")
tf.provider("aws", "2.13.0", "bar")

# providers can be access by indexing
aws_names = tf.provider["aws"].keys()
print("aws providers:", sorted(aws_names))

# or by the get method
google_names = tf.provider.get("google").keys()
print("google providers:", google_names)

# Output:
# aws providers: ["bar", "qux"]
# google providers: ["id_1"]

def ProviderCollection.__call__

ProviderCollection.__call__(type, version="", name="") Provider

Returns a new provider instance of the given type.

typestringProvider type. Eg.: aws
versionstringVersion value, if None latest version available it’s used.
namestringLocal name of the resource, if None is provided it’sautogenerated.

Defining multiple providers and traversing tf.providers

aws = tf.provider("aws", "2.13.0", "aliased")
helm = tf.provider("helm", "1.0.0")
ignition = tf.provider("ignition")

print("terraform =", tf.version)
for type in sorted(list(tf.provider)):
    for name in tf.provider[type]:
        p = tf.provider[type][name]
        print("   %s (%s) = %s" % (type, name, p.__version__))

# Output:
# terraform = 0.12.23
#    aws (aliased) = 2.13.0
#    helm (id_1) = 1.0.0
#    ignition (id_2) = 1.2.1

type Provisioner

Provisioner represents a Terraform provider of a specif type. As written in the terraform documentation: “Provisioners are a Last Resort

__kind__stringKind of the provisioner. Fixed value provisioner
__type__stringType of the resource. Eg.: `aws_instance |
<argument><scalar>Arguments defined by the provisioner schema, thus can be of anyscalar type.
<block>ResourceBlocks defined by the provisioner schema, thus are nested resources,containing other arguments and/or blocks.

type Resource

Resources are the most important element in the Terraform language. Each resource block describes one or more infrastructure objects, such as virtual networks, compute instances, or higher-level components such as DNS records.

Each resource is associated with a single resource type, which determines the kind of infrastructure object it manages and what arguments and other attributes the resource supports.

Each resource type in turn belongs to a provider, which is a plugin for Terraform that offers a collection of resource types. A provider usually provides resources to manage a single cloud or on-premises infrastructure platform.

Following the schema of HCL Terraform resources each type of arguments and blocks are transformed in native AsCode elements:

  • Blocks defined as a list of Resources are transformed into: ResourceCollection<nested>, if the Block is a list capped to one item, its represented as Resource<nested>.

  • Arguments are transformed as basic scalar types.

  • Attributes aka computed arguments are transformed in Attributes

__provider__ProviderProvider of this resource if any.
__kind__stringKind of the resource. Eg.: data
__type__stringType of the resource. Eg.: aws_instance
__name__stringLocal name of the resource, if none was provided to the constructorthe name is auto-generated following the partern id_%s. Nested kindresources are unamed.
__dict__DictA dictionary containing all set arguments and blocks of the resource.
<argument><scalar>/ComputedArguments defined by the resource schema, thus can be of anyscalar type or Computed values.
<block>Resource/ResourceCollectionBlocks defined by the resource schema, thus are nested resources,containing other arguments and/or blocks.
# Create a new instance of the latest Ubuntu 14.04 on an
# t2.micro node with an AWS Tag naming it "HelloWorld"

aws = tf.provider("aws", "2.54.0")
aws.region = "us-west-2"

ubuntu_filter = "ubuntu/images/*/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*"
canonical = "099720109477"

ami = aws.data.ami("ubuntu")
ami.most_recent = True
ami.filter(name="name", values=[ubuntu_filter])
ami.filter(name="virtualization-type", values=["hvm"])
ami.owners = [canonical]

instance = aws.resource.instance("web")
instance.instance_type = "t2.micro"
instance.ami = ami.id
instance.tags = {
    "name": "HelloWorld"

# Output:
# provider "aws" {
#   alias   = "id_1"
#   version = "2.54.0"
#   region  = "us-west-2"
# }
# data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
#   provider    = aws.id_1
#   most_recent = true
#   owners      = ["099720109477"]
#   filter {
#     name   = "name"
#     values = ["ubuntu/images/*/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*"]
#   }
#   filter {
#     name   = "virtualization-type"
#     values = ["hvm"]
#   }
# }
# resource "aws_instance" "web" {
#   provider      = aws.id_1
#   ami           = "${data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id}"
#   instance_type = "t2.micro"
#   tags          = { name = "HelloWorld" }
# }


def Resource.depends_on


Explicitly declares a dependency on another resource. Use the depends_on meta-argument to handle hidden resource dependencies that Terraform can’t automatically infer. (Only in resources of kind “resource”)

resourceResourcedepended data or resource kind.

def Resource.add_provisioner


Create-time actions like these can be described using resource provisioners. A provisioner is another type of plugin supported by Terraform, and each provisioner takes a different kind of action in the context of a resource being created. Provisioning steps should be used sparingly, since they represent non-declarative actions taken during the creation of a resource and so Terraform is not able to model changes to them as it can for the declarative portions of the Terraform language. (Only in resources of kind “resource”)

provisionerProvisionerprovisioner resource to be executed.

type ResourceCollection

ResourceCollection stores and instantiates resources for a specific pair of provider and resource. The resources can be accessed by indexing or using the built-in method of dict.

__provider__ProviderProvider of this resource collection.
__kind__stringKind of the resource collection. Eg.: data
__type__stringType of the resource collection. Eg.: aws_instance

def ResourceCollection.__call__

ResourceCollection.__call__(name="", values={}) Resource

Returns a new resourced with the given name and values.

namestringLocal name of the resource, if None is provided it’sautogenerated.
valuesdictList of arguments and nested blocks to be set in the newresource, these values can also be defined using kwargs.

Resource instantiation using values, dicts or kwargs.

aws = tf.provider("aws")

# Resources can be defined in different ways...

# you can set the resource attributes...
v = aws.resource.instance()
v.instance_type = "t2.micro"
v.tags = {"name": "HelloWorld"}

# or using a dict in the constructor...
d = aws.resource.instance({
    "instance_type": "t2.micro",
    "tags": {"name": "HelloWorld"},

# or even using kwargs
k = aws.resource.instance(instance_type="t2.micro", tags={"name": "HelloWorld"})

# and all the resources are equivalent:

# Output:
# {"instance_type": "t2.micro", "tags": {"name": "HelloWorld"}}
# {"instance_type": "t2.micro", "tags": {"name": "HelloWorld"}}
# {"instance_type": "t2.micro", "tags": {"name": "HelloWorld"}}

def ResourceCollection.search

ResourceCollection.search(key="id", value) list

Return all the Resources with the given value in the given key.

namestringKey to search. The default value is id.
value<any>Value to match in the given key.
aws = tf.provider("aws")
aws.resource.instance("foo", instance_type="t2.micro")
aws.resource.instance("bar", instance_type="a1.medium")
aws.resource.instance("qux", instance_type="t2.micro")

r = aws.resource.instance.search("bar") 
print("Instance type of `bar`: %s" % r[0].instance_type)

r = aws.resource.instance.search("instance_type", "t2.micro")
print("Instances with 't2.micro`: %d" % len(r))

# Output:
# Instance type of `bar`: a1.medium
# Instances with 't2.micro`: 2

type ResourceCollectionGroup

ResourceCollectionGroup represents a group by kind (resource or data resource) of ResourceCollections for a given provider.

__provider__ProviderProvider of this group.
__kind__stringKind of the resources (data or resource).
<resource-name>ResourceCollectionReturns a ResourceCollection if the resource name is valid forthe schema of the provider. The resource name should be providedwithout the provider prefix, aws_instance becomesjust an instance.

type State

Terraform’s cached information about your managed infrastructure and configuration. This state is used to persistently map the same real world resources to your configuration from run-to-run, keep track of metadata, and improve performance for large infrastructures.

State implements a Dict, where the first level are the providers containing the keys data with the data sources and resources with the resources.

<provider>AttrDictprovider and all the resources state.

An example of how to print a resume of providers and resources count from the state.

# new instance of a local backend
# https://www.terraform.io/docs/backends/types/local.html
b = backend("local")
b.path = "terraform.tfstate"

# it reads the state
s = b.state()

for provider in sorted(list(s)):
    print("%s:" % provider)
    for resource in sorted(list(s[provider]["resource"])):
        count = len(s[provider]["resource"][resource])
        print("    %s (%d)" % (resource, count))

# Output:
# google:
#     container_cluster (1)
#     container_node_pool (1)
# helm:
#     release (5)
# kubernetes:
#     cluster_role_binding (1)
#     namespace (1)
#     secret (1)

type Terraform

Terraform holds all the configuration defined by a script. A global variable called tf contains a unique instance of Terraform.

versionstringTerraform version.
backendBackendBackend used to store the state, if None a local backend it’sused.
providerProviderCollectionDict with all the providers defined by provider type.
tf.backend = backend("gcs", bucket="tf-state")

aws = tf.provider("aws", "2.54.0", region="us-west-2")
aws.resource.instance("foo", instance_type="t2.micro")


# Output:
# terraform {
#   backend "gcs" {
#     bucket = "tf-state"
#   }
# }
# provider "aws" {
#   alias   = "id_1"
#   version = "2.54.0"
#   region  = "us-west-2"
# }
# resource "aws_instance" "foo" {
#   provider      = aws.id_1
#   instance_type = "t2.micro"
# }